Special Offers
Whether you are looking for the latest vintages from Bordeaux and Burgundy, the Rhône, Germany or futher afield in California and Australia, we hope you will enjoy looking through the latest Private Cellar finds.
Click on the links by each item to open the offers in PDF format or link through to a special offer page.
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Hamilton Russell Vineyards - Celebrating 50 years
“Last month, I visited Anthony at his beautiful winery in the Cape. He was very generous with his time and I came away with a renewed enthusiasm for his great wines. He is thoughtful, ambitious, determined, and a great host. Truly a ‘legend in his own lunchtime’, and a man who’s wines I am very happy to sell.” - Andrew Gordon

Rhône 2023
Vintage reports for the Rhône are frequently focused on water – either the lack or the surfeit of it. Summers in the region are hot, with growers relying on sufficient rainfall over the winter months to replenish aquifers and set the vines up for the summer heat, but in 2023 the start of the season was notably dry, with no rainfall at all from the end of January to the end of February. In the South, sporadic showers arrived in May to refresh the vines but in the North the rain was heavier and more persistent, putting growers on their toes to fight the subsequent excessive vegetative growth and associated vineyard complications.
The Private Cellar Selection 2025
Please click on the link below to download our 20th anniversary wine list! We are pleased to introduce our new Discovery Cases and 16 new wines to the Private Cellar Selection, marked throughout the list.
If you are not on our mailing list and would like a copy sent to you in the post, please don't hesitate to let us know by emailing hello@privatecellar.co.uk. Alternatively, you can download this eco-friendy version as a PDF.
For advice and assistance in choosing your wines, get in touch with our friendly and helpful team by calling 01353 721 999. We very much look forward to hearing from you.
Wedding Services
If you are looking for an unusual wedding gift list, wish to add to your traditional list or you would like help choosing the wines you serve on the day, our salespeople will work with you and offer expert advice to help you choose the perfect fit. View our full selection of services in the pdf below.

Ways to save with Private Cellar
Whether saving up for special wines or a big birthday celebration, topping up an account for a Godchild, gifting or building a wine collection painlessly throughout the year, we are here to help simplify all your wine decisions. Start building your Private Cellar piggy bank today.

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